Friday, September 12, 2008

Just say NO to Ketons

The dreaded Ketons appeard in my DD. She had a miserable cold and then BOOM Ketons. Every other day the nurse from school called "your daughter is in here magic number of 385 with moderate Ketons". Ok I leave work to pick her up. We get rid of the ketons, BG back to normal. So after a week of every other day dealing with Ketons she gets them AGAIN. Even set a Temporary basal rate of first 20% then all the way to 40% on her. Her numbers have been 200 and above with moderate ketons. Thats going to make a great A1C for our next visit isn't it.

FINALLY the Ketons are gone her BG is normal and under control and what do you think happens?? Should you ask??? A damn growth spurt. What does that result in LOWS.. 65, 37, 75. What in the world NOW..

If there is anything to living the life with Diabetes is it will KEEP you on your toes at all times. Once you think you have it under control, BAM it stirs things up. The low and High Fairy come to bite you in the ass again.

1 comment:

Jessica L. Smith said...

I want to use this golden opportunity to say thanks to Chief Dr Wealthy for curing my ( DIABETES VIRUS) with his Herbal Medicine. i have being suffering from DIABETES Virus for 5 years now,and since then was using drug over which keep me till today,but one day as I was surfing through the Internet I met a post about a lady who was cured for DIABETES by Chief Dr Wealthy so I decided to give it a try to see if he could save my life Luckily for me I was cured by him. I cannot stop thanking him for what he has done for me if you are into similar problem you can contact him via email:

Chief Dr Wealthy have cure for any types of disease blows, call or Whats App +2348105150446.